Monday, February 7, 2011

The computer center

Alex Metzger
Professor Nielsen
                Although the computer access at Dixie is fast and useful, the amount of hours available should be increased. The weak hours of seven am to eleven pm, with half that time Friday through Sunday, are insufficient and take our resources with no good reason. Without these resources I find my success in college limited. The situation could easily be fixed with very little effort from the college.
It is common for people to have their own personal computers, but there are very many who still don’t have that convenience.  Out of eight of my roommates only four have their own computers and none have their own printers. Without my own personal computer I have only found awkward times to type my papers, thus creating major time conflicts in my already stiff schedule.
Hiring one more person to watch over the computer center could really help many college students. This is the only college I have attended that doesn’t have a place with twenty four hour computer access. I personally believe that with growth of the college’s tuition, athletic programs, and degrees, so should the student’s resources for education.

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